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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does Trump have ADD? He wants LESS info not more as normal presidents do. Trump is badly broken. Can he be repaired? How?

Does Trump have ADD? He wants LESS info not more as normal presidents do. Trump is badly broken. Can he be repaired? How?

Trump said he doesn't want to read 200 pages. He wants it all boiled down into one page.  His lack of  intellectual curiosity is only matched by his enormous lack of knowledge. They go hand-in-hand. Celebrating Ignorance is his political platform. Woe is us.

Posted - January 19, 2017


  • You heard it here folks.   Your kids and loved ones with ADD/ADHD are broken and unable to gain knowledge.  They lack any intellectual curiosity.
      January 19, 2017 4:26 AM MST